Sunday, 3 July 2011

Part 1, 2nd & 3rd Form

This will be quite a short post as i don’t remember much of these years, but the little i do is mostly comprised of being bullied, not only by the older years but also by kids in my year. I had pretty much only 2 friends in my first two years, these two kids, were the only bright lights in a miserable shitty time. They were nice to me and well helped me through a lot of what happened. One of my main abiding memories of these years was of having food stolen from me or just forcibly taken from me. As the school was a boarding school most kids brought with them some food from home, mostly sweets or chirps, and this was called tuck. My tuck would normally last about 2 days before the people either broke the lock on the little cupboard where my food was kept, or they would wait until i went to have something to eat and then using the threat of violence force me to give them food. At the beginning of the year it was pretty much all the kids on the year above, i supposed it was to assert their dominance over us younger ones, but after a few weeks it was mostly just a couple of guys,. My other main abiding memory of these years was at the end of my first year, i was innocently packing away my stuff for the summer holiday, when randomly into my quiet little packing zone comes the main bully, i at first assume he is after my tuck. I point out that its the end of term and therefore i have no tuck left. He decides to then rather than just leave, he decides to ruin my day by picking up a can of deodorant and while shouting that i smell proceed to spray multiple bottles at my face, causing me to choke and feel very ill. As i’m only a 12 year boy, this makes me cry, which seems to only egg him on more so. The deodorant assault only ends when someone walks in at which point he resumes his normal day, without a second thought as do what he had done. Now comes the fun part, i go to our housemaster  and all that happened was I told my housemaster what happened, he brought the bully in, who denied the whole event and despite the fact my hair and face was visibly cover in deodorant, believed him and he got off scott free. This was something that would be repeat many times despite the bullying resulting in me at the grand old age of 12 and half contemplating suicide. My second year progress along the same lines of being bullied constantly, and becoming slowly more and more withdrawn from my year, due to bulling from someone else, a boy who never met a lie he didn’t like to tell. While most bullying just resulted in bruises, he surprisingly for a boy that age was a lot more sadistic and didn’t use physical violence, he just spent his time taunting me and annoying me and getting other people to do the same.
All in all the first two years of my time at Christs Hospital were a living hell and go someway to explain why I am who I am. Its made me distrustful of most people in authority as it was at this point i realized that everyone in a position of power didn’t give a shit about me, teachers didn’t care that i was being bullied and no-one was ever punished for it and it was not just me bullying was institutionalized and pretty much everyone 2nd and 3rd form was bullied and no one cared. We were alone, I was alone.


  1. You should put the ability to anonymously comment on this without signin, it really helps blog traffic, and with subject matter like this, is important to get feedback.

    I had a very similar experience, save that 3rd form was a lot easier as we simply imposed the same

  2. Sorry about that, I hope you are okay now.
    I have never experienced something like that
